
A look into our process as a polymer clay earring company. 

We've been making earrings for the past 4 years, and have narrowed down our processes and know what works best for us! For interests sake, here's what we usually do! 

Our clay arrives in blocks, which we then condition (or roll and heat) in order to make it malleable. Next we run it through our roller x20 to ensure all the mini air bubbles are popped and the clay is properly conditioned. 

We cut our shapes, and bake at the perfect temp, for 30 min. Remove and cool, and then re-bake our stainless steel stud posts into the clay, in order to allow for a strong hold. Then we cool again before drilling our holes to connect the rings. 

Once assembled, we punch out our earring back cards, and attach the earrings. 

Market, Photograph, Film, and Sell and then Package them up with boxes we've folded, paper we've cut and bags we've stamped. 

This business is truly hands on, and we couldn't love it more!